Super fun game! I wish it was longer
Super fun game! I wish it was longer
I played through the whole game, and the entire time I was really impressed at the thought and time that went into this.
It actually made me have to think about the puzzles, rather than autopilot through like most other puzzle games of this type. I love the main mechanic, its something that I don't commonly see being used in such a satisfying way.
There's really nothing that I can complain about, other than how short it is, I would def play more if there was maybe a world selection, each with their own mechanics. Otherwise, the music is great, the art is great, the puzzles make you think, and the mechanics are so satisfying once you get the hang of them.
Thanks! I'm glad the thing you don't like is its shortness, because I'm currently working on the bonus biome, you can't play it now since it's not finished yet, but the quest to unlock it is already laying there in the game. Maybe future players will find and spoil it but I wouldnt want to tell more about it myself
This game is amazing, it's a literal piece of art. It's so impressive that you managed to make EVERYTHING in this game, not many people can pull that off.
Great game, pretty high quality, great art.
Fun game, love the art style and love the music, really sets a nice tone. It was hard, but I ended up finding all the differences.
good game, love the art style and the unique controls. I'm excited to see what happens with it in the future.
Very cute game with fun minigames. I had a easy time playing it and I enjoyed it for awhile. The only issue I have is that after awhile it can get sorta boring. It would keep me around longer if there was something to work for other than unlocking practice modes.
Thanks for feedback!
I love eat plastic cup
Age 23
alleyway dumpster
Joined on 2/19/21